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Testimonials from Beneficiaries

How It Works

Decide How You Want To Donate

As a Donor, you can decide to donate (annoymously or letting us know who you are) to specific region (state or local government area) or allow JustReliefMe to decide the region for you.

Decide The Amount Of Your Donation

Payment means is by Bank Transfer with a Unique ID that will be given to you as the payment reference. If you donate using USSD payment method, your phone number will be the Unique ID as payment reference.

Donation Gets To The Beneficiary

Once we have received your Donation, we will make prompt action to get it delivered to the Beneficiaries via our Bank agencies.

Get Feedback On Your Donations

You will be contacted by JustReliefMe to let you know that your donation has reached the beneficiary. You will be supplied with their information.